Remembering Rob Burrow CBE

As a patient of Leeds Teaching Hospitals and the Patron of Leeds Hospitals Charity, we consider ourselves privileged to have known Rob. We invite you to share your memories, pictures and stories to celebrate his life, and to continue his incredible legacy.

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Rob Burrow

Cheryl Harrington, Mark Rennison, Antonia Harrington

We started coming to Rhinos matches in 2007 and soon became addicted to the Dream team of the era. The following year for her 7th birthday, Antonia was very proud to have No 7 on her shirt as Rob was her favourite player. She had this photo taken at one of the kids camps, it's always been on display at our home. We joke about why he scrunched down for the photos with kids, although we all know his height was his super power! thank you for all the wonderful Rugby League memories Rob RIP #7

Rob Burrow